Accident in Bregenz: Police Seeking Information from Cyclists and Witnesses

2023-07-04 19:14:00

4.07.2023 21:14

(Akt. 4.07.2023 21:14)

The police are asking for information from the public. © Symbolic photo: VOL.AT

An accident occurred in Bregenz on Tuesday when a 3-year-old boy was hit by a cyclist.

There was an accident on the lake promenade in Bregenz at around 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday. In the area of ​​the ice pavilion, a 3-year-old boy ran onto the temporary bike path while playing and was hit by a cyclist.

The toddler was chasing a pigeon as it crossed the path of the cyclists. Despite the sudden event, the cyclist coming from Lochau tried to brake – unfortunately in vain.

Cyclists and companion wanted

The cyclist, who was traveling with another cyclist, stopped immediately following the accident. According to the police, both might be possible German tourists. They immediately inquired regarding the well-being of the boy and his mother.

The mother took her son to a nearby café and gave cyclists permission to continue on their way without leaving their contact details.

Child brought to LKH Bregenz

It was only following the mother decided to take the child to the LKH Bregenz to treat the injuries that the missing contact details of the cyclist involved were noticed. The Bregenz police are now asking the cyclist to contact them. Witnesses who saw the incident are also asked for their help.

Anyone who has information regarding the incident or those involved is asked to contact the Bregenz Police Inspectorate on the telephone number +43 (0) 59 133 8120 To get in touch.

#Small #child #hit #accident #lake #promenade #Bregenz #Bregenz

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