The Orange County Veterans Day Celebration takes place Monday, November 11, 2024, at 11 a.m., at Orange County Veterans Memorial, 2501 Homestead Drive, Chapel Hill, NC.
This event is free and open to the public.
Learn about Veterans Day food deals, plus special Veterans Day events in the Triangle!
Introduction & Welcome
John H. Cocowitch, Captain, US Navy (Ret.)
Presentation of Colors
Joint Color Guard, UNC-CH ROTC
Asst. MOI GySgt Wade Perry
Pledge of Allegiance/Invocation
Mark Bell, Mayor, Town of Hillsborough
National Anthem
Joshua Moraja, Midshipman 3/C, Navy ROTC
Opening Remarks
Reneé A. Price, Representative, NC General Assembly
Introduction of Guest Speaker
John H. Cocowitch, Captain, US Navy (Ret.)
Veterans Day Address
Alfred Scott McLaren, Captain, US Navy (Ret.), Ph.D.
Recognitions of Branches of Service
Dan Hurd, Lt. Colonel, US Army (Ret.)
Fundraising & Construction Update
Bruce Runberg, Captain, CEC, US Navy (Ret.)
Recognition of Elected Officials, Dignitaries
Barbara M. Foushee, Mayor, Town of Carrboro
Closing Remarks
Jamezetta Bedford, Chair, OC Board of Commissioners
Retrieval of Colors
Joint Color Guard, UNC-CH ROTC
Asst. MOI GySgt Wade Perry
Sounding of Taps
Edward Gill, Veteran, US Army
Traffic Control
Orange County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Charles Blackwood
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However, sometimes things change without notice, and it’s also possible that we can make a mistake.
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More Veterans Day Events and Deals
Check out our complete Veterans Day coverage, including events, freebies and deals in the Triangle, or look at some of the events here:
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