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  1. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    America is at war.
    We have been since Bin Laden declared war on the west.
    We are not winning.
    Cutting defense spending when we are at war is irresponsible.

    Government takes almost half of the GDP now. State and local government take a bit over 20%, the feds get 20%. That should be more than enough to secure our country and provide necessary services.

    We can balance the budget by cutting fraud and waste, but it will take an attitude change on the part of government employees.
  2. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    Utter horseshit. Becoming more lean and more efficient is at least as responsible as pouring hundreds of billions of dollars at a war machine that has been less than effective. This from the guy with utopian ideas of how a future Korean peninsula might look. Seriously, dig in and take a close look at how our DoD has managed the funds they get over the last couple of decades. If you're not upset about it, I suggest your supposed patriotism is an apparition of partisan circle-jerkery.

    Again with the fantasy tales. Show me! Do the math or cut-n-paste something from anywhere that shows the math about how "cutting fraud and waste" will balance the budget. That is the worst kind of economic lie. Besides the fact that even if you did somehow manage to balance the budget with your miracle cure of cutting fraud and waste, how are you going to reverse the debt spiral?

    Show me the fiscal path to this solution and you will have a vocal and vehement champion of your cause. Until then, you're as full of shit as the rest of them - and apparently unashamedly so.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. submissively speaking
      +5 points for the use of circle-jerkery. I like it. :laugh:
      stumbler likes this.
  3. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    First of all, shooter never said DOD doesn't have fraud and waste. His point was, we forget we are at war, and cuttimg defense spending is irrespomsible while we are at war.

    Getting at the debt is like losing weight. Strip away all the marketing spin and it comes down to; spend less tax more.

    Shooter believes 20% of federal budgets are fraud and waste. The feds are the biggest buyers of office furniture, while we have warehouses full of used government furniture. We spend more money on computer software than any other single entity, but our major computer systems are 10 year old programs.
  4. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    The known examples of waste and fraud are available on google.

    If we can balance the budget just by eliminating waste and fraud Americans will be more likely to agree to higher taxes to pay off the debt.

    And dedicated funded programs like social security should properly be managed outside the federal budget process. McConnell is wrong; we don't have to do anything with "entitlements" to balance the budget and pay off the debt.
  5. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    You have to excuse OT, he’s actively courting sublady, so he’s prone to grandstanding. There is no government program that is free of waste and fraud, period.
    1. submissively speaking
      Well, I mean, have you seen him with a tool belt on? Yowza, baby.

  6. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    Can't show the numbers, either one of you, as expected.

    shooter can't even comprehend the math that a 20% across the board cut, without any cuts to DoD, will not even get us to break-even, let alone address the debt.

    I don't believe either of you actually care, any further than your partisan rhetoric will carry you, which in this case is not very far.

    • Like Like x 3
    1. tenguy
      Yes you are sad, since you say that you are objective in looking a government spending and don't recognize the problem.

      Bloated budgets in every department could be cut at least 20% including defense, all without sacrificing security or services. But, even you know that it has to be a cultural change, one instilled by a sincere desire to reduce costs.
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
    2. shootersa
      Old tool wants.to carry the argumemt, sayimg the budget can't be balanced without defense cuts, and wants shooter to say something along the lines of "we need to cut everything BUT defense, cause, you know, war.

      The problem is, shooter can't say that. When he says cut fraud and waste and save 20%, he of course includes DOD.

      But, that doesn't fit the despicable view of deplorables, so ignore it, or discount it or call it lying.

      First, reduce spending. Then increase taxes.

      Why is that such a hard concept to understand?
      shootersa, Oct 19, 2018
  7. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    George the Lesser had six years with Republican majorities in both houses of Congress to balance the budget while cutting taxes by cutting "waste, fraud, and abuse." Don the Con has had a year and a half with Republican majorities in Congress.

    The reason they did not do it is because it is not possible. What some people consider to be "waste, fraud, and abuse," others consider to be necessary.

    Most Americans can think of government spending programs they do not like. I would eliminate farm subsidies to agribusiness and business subsidies. I would like to slash spending for the United States Department of Offense. Nevertheless, there are no big ticket items that 51% of the voters want to cut or eliminate.
    1. tenguy
      Who really thinks that that combination was a conservative one? It is completely possible, but only if all parties agree that it has to be done.
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
  8. CS natureboy

    CS natureboy Porn Star

    Jan 22, 2011
    If you make deep cuts in defense spending you will cause layoffs and a rise in unemployment. A lot of defense contractors and companies like Boeing, GE, Raytheon, Hewlett-Packard, Textron, ITT Exelis, Pratt & Whitney, Honeywell, United Technologies, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumann, Lockheed Martin and many more represent millions of well paying US jobs.

    So you tell me Old Tool, how many people are you willing to put in the unemployment line?
    1. stumbler
      You're next.
      stumbler, Oct 19, 2018
  9. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Cutting taxes while raising offense spending is irresponsible.

    In The Art of War Sun Tzu wrote, "There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare."

    After 9/11 the United States should have concentrated on the goal of locating and capturing or killing Osama bin Laden. As soon as that was achieved we should have left. Instead, George the Lesser thought he could establish pro American and pro capitalist governments in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Well, it did not happen. The people of Afghanistan and Iraq are not would be Americans. We do not understand their values. They deplore our values. They do not want to become like us.

    Saddam was not responsible for 9/11. Al Qaeda was more of a threat to him than to us.

    When it is obvious that we have made a mistake it is time to stop making it. If we had done that much earlier in Vietnam we would not have had to flee, clinging to our helicopters.
  10. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Cutting taxes while raising offense spending is irresponsible.

    In The Art of War Sun Tzu wrote, "There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare."

    After 9/11 the United States should have concentrated on the goal of locating and capturing or killing Osama bin Laden. As soon as that was achieved we should have left. Instead, George the Lesser thought he could establish pro American and pro capitalist governments in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Well, it did not happen. The people of Afghanistan and Iraq are not would be Americans. We do not understand their values. They deplore our values. They do not want to become like us.

    Saddam was not responsible for 9/11. Al Qaeda was more of a threat to him than to us.

    When it is obvious that we have made a mistake it is time to stop making it. If we had done that much earlier in Vietnam we would not have had to flee, clinging to our helicopters.

    I want the United States to become weak enough that U.S. presidents are not tempted to start unnecessary wars.
    1. tenguy
      No that is a brilliant plan for total destruction of our way of life, your stripes are showing.
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
    2. Distant Lover
      Before he was killed on Obama's watch, not George the Lesser's, Osama bin Laden said, "We did not attack the United States because we thought the United States was weak. If we wanted to attack a weak country we would have attacked Iceland."

      He went on to say that the Soviet war in Afghanistan bankrupted the Soviet Union, and led to the fall of the Soviet Union, and that America's response to 9/11 will have the same effect on the United States.
      Distant Lover, Oct 19, 2018
  11. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    The point is to prove you and the other alleged "conservatives" are just glaring hypocrites and liars that preach one thing if a Democrat is in office but as soon as Trump gets in and the Republicans control both Houses of Congress you switch 180 degrees because the only true value "conservatives" have is just winning at all costs.

    Just exactly what you have been doing since you first days on this forum.

    And it is actually necessary to go through you entire history to document the constant drum beat that deficits were terrible when Obama was president but not that its your guy Trump and you control the government suddenly none of that matters.

    • Like Like x 2
    1. conroe4
      Jesus, really?
      conroe4, Oct 19, 2018
    2. stumbler
      Oh don't worry. You're not even on the list college boy. You ain't worth it.
      stumbler, Oct 19, 2018
    3. conroe4
      I'm worth more than you, rig hand.
      conroe4, Oct 19, 2018
    4. stumbler
      Roughneck to you pencil hand and don't you forget that.
      stumbler, Oct 19, 2018
      conroe4 likes this.
  12. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    Okay shooters you win, stumbles loves you more than me. Too bad he still doesn't understand how he validates what we say.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. submissively speaking
      I think that is exactly what I just said. ;)
    3. tenguy
      Not really, but I'm not surprised you think that it is.
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
    4. submissively speaking
      Well, you’re right; my bad.

      Often is defined as frequently, many times or instances. Trump criticism from you comes rarely, not often.
    5. tenguy
      I refuse to do a stumbles and copy and paste them all, neither have the time of inclination. But often means the same to me, frequently.
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
    6. submissively speaking
      I’d settle for more than one that was offered spontaneously, and not dragged out of you via direct question or challenge.
  13. Sanity_is_Relative

    Sanity_is_Relative Porn Star

    Apr 18, 2015

    The right wants to see Medicare and Social Security ended one way or another, and to do so they will do as much to destroy them as possible, from cutting the funds available for them to privatizing them and deregulating the industry that controls the funds s o that they can drain the accounts to declare them defunct.
    1. shootersa
      Well now, why would deplorables want to get rid of these 2 programs if they are so popular?
      Just more scare tactic spin for midterms.

      Oh, and allowing those "immigrants" in? Are we talking ILLEGAL immigrants?
      shootersa, Oct 19, 2018
    2. Sanity_is_Relative
      It's not a scare tactic when the Republicans in the house are saying that that is what they intend to do.
      Senate Majority Mitch McConnell on Tuesday advanced a longtime Republican policy goal on how to tackle the debt during an interview Tuesday, but the idea probably won't gain a foothold anytime soon.

      During an interview with Bloomberg on Tuesday, McConnell said that to get the federal budget deficit under control — the deficit grew to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, the largest since 2012 — Congress needs to reform entitlements such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Oct 19, 2018
  14. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    And obama had 8 years to comtrol spending. He not only didn't, he comtributed more to the debt than EVERY PRESIDENT BEFORE HIM. combined.

    Getting spending under control can't be done with a meat axe. It can only be done when government minions get with the program.

    The alternative is to raise taxes, which congress and government minions would love, cause you know, more to spend, more power.

    Fuck em.
    They work for us.
    Thats our damn money.
    1. Sanity_is_Relative
      Every president before him?
      Sanity_is_Relative, Oct 19, 2018
    2. tenguy
      Mostly false? That’s a very simple statement . It’s either false or it’s true
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
    3. Sanity_is_Relative
      It is based on numbers at the time and does not take into that the context of inflation. By the numbers it is correct when you ignore everything else, but it is very disingenuous in it's nature.
      Sanity_is_Relative, Oct 19, 2018
    4. tenguy
      Not at all, only a spin can change it.
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
  15. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    The voters want higher taxes on the rich and corporations, and more domestic spending, especially for health care.
    1. tenguy
      We will see in a few weeks.
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
  16. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    OK, you economic whiz kids, @tenguy & @shootersa - since you were too lazy to do the math you propose, I did it for you:


    Congratulations - you're still spending $425 BILLION more than you take in, and the interest payments on your debt service (which went up 9% last year) are going to go up 11% this year. What a great plan! Of course you're going to have to explain to your pal, @CS natureboy about the difference between waste& fraud cuts and layoffs :rolleyes:

    Don't worry - your buddies on the right will explain to you how to get this done with putting your military friends on the food line.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. View previous comments...
    2. submissively speaking
      I think you should write to Stanley and ask for a title change to Hunter Of Equivocating Voice of XNXX.

      Or, you know, Hottie In A Tool Belt.
    3. Old Tool
      you keep that up and this cry closet expansion will never get done! :drool:
      Old Tool, Oct 19, 2018
      submissively speaking likes this.
    4. tenguy
      @Old Tool. I really didn’t know you expected a detailed plan, perhaps I am forgetting that we are sitting on a committee.
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
    5. submissively speaking
      But ... I like to keep things up.
    6. Old Tool
      @tenguy don't need to be on a committee to have an opinion that goes beyond the usual blather often spouted by non-thinking ideologues. Sometimes you go there with me, often times you don't. It's cool with me if you want to pontificate in the fuzziest terms possible, but I think it only throws gasoline on the fires of ignorance (for any poor souls masochistic enough to read our dialog) :p
      Old Tool, Oct 19, 2018
      tenguy and submissively speaking like this.
  17. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    You could have made the same claim about the following presidents:

    Roosevelt (F)
    Bush Sr.
    Bush Jr.

    Trump is on pace to out-do Obama as well in this regard, and frankly I do not see a reasonable budgetary path out of this debt spiral, regardless of the chutzpah of any current president or Budget Committee congressperson(s).
    • Like Like x 3
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2018
    1. tenguy
      Hmm, your numbers are fucked up here OT.

      The gross public debt on the day Obama was inaugurated was $6.3 trillion, by he day he left office it had grown to $14.0 trillon, more than double. Since the debt is cumulative, the $6.3 trillion was the total for all previous presidents, therefore he did borrow more than all other combined.
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
    2. Old Tool
      true - spreadsheet mistake on my part - thus, my original post has been edited.
      Old Tool, Oct 19, 2018
    3. tenguy
      Sorry, missed your edit.
      (Might want to clue in stumbles.)
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
  18. tenguy

    tenguy Reasoned voice of XNXX

    Oct 27, 2007
    BTW, the money owed to the government is still borne by the public, the Social Security Trust fund is an example. The fund belongs to those who contributed and who expect to be paid benefits from, therefore that little number, just $6 trillion, is really public debt.
    1. Old Tool
      Do you think that "money" is sitting in a vault somewhere sitting in little stacks of $100 bills? Are you challenging the way the CBO accounts for that money? If so, what is your alternative?
      Old Tool, Oct 19, 2018
    2. tenguy
      The money should be sitting in investment accounts, not in the general fund.
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
    3. Old Tool
      You are proposing moving that money to open market accounts - like an enormous mutual fund?
      Old Tool, Oct 19, 2018
    4. tenguy
      Shit, here you go again, demanding details when none are forthcoming.
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
    5. Old Tool
      I just wouldn't to be the guy that actually moved that money from the general fund over to the private market in, oh let's say, December of 2007 :cool:
      Old Tool, Oct 19, 2018
  19. Old Tool

    Old Tool Porn Star

    Sep 29, 2006
    OK, I will play your game, since the spreadsheet is already in place:


    Congratulations, you have a budget surplus for one year of $78.8 billion! Nicely done. Now, assuming you apply the entire surplus to paying off the existing debt, and can maintain this pattern for 274.8 years, you'll have paid off our creditors and created a secure free world.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. tenguy
      Not even remotely possible, however the key is that it stops growing, right?
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
    2. Old Tool
      Hate to beat a dead horse, but the key is education. We've created a public too disassociated from the dangerous realities of our situation and when the whole thing collapses (probably via war - likely vs. China & Russia), the re-set will be unfathomably painful for the vast majority of hard-working, but ignorant-by-choice, folks.

      One way or another, it'll work out. But "20% cuts to fraud and waste" certainly wont get us there.
      Old Tool, Oct 19, 2018
      tenguy and submissively speaking like this.
    3. submissively speaking
      That's exactly what my guy in Chicago that works on the Exchange there said. This trade war with China is really stupid.
    4. tenguy
      @Old Tool I don’t disagree in the reality of the issue, education is key for sure. But, I reject the notion that nothing can be done to begin the reversal of our present national mindset.

      The rest will be painful, whether it’s by choice or by force.
      tenguy, Oct 19, 2018
  20. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    And now as promised another great preacher to the lie of conservatism. But unfortunately I am going tol have to break it up into multiple posts because it keeps saying there are more than 1o images even after I have deleted every image I can see.

    ending"? Where have you been the last 7+ years???[/QUOTE]