Now Viewing: okinawa
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The southernmost prefecture of Japan, consisting of Okinawa island proper and most of the islands of the Ryuukyuu chain. A tropical island that once was an independent kingdom. Throughout history it was a crossroad of trade from China and Southeast Asia to Japan. This is reflected in its culture which blends native elements with Japanese, Chinese, and Southeast Asian influences. Conquered by the Satsuma domain in 1609, Okinawa became part of the Japanese nation during the Meiji restoration. Site of one of the fiercest battles of the Pacific Theater in WW2. Occupied by the US Military after the war, it wasn't returned to Japanese control till 1972. Home to the majority of US bases in Japan, which occupy 18% of the total land area. Okinawans are ethnically related to Japanese, but are not part of the Japanese ethnicity. The traditional Okinawan language is related to Japanese, and has been supplanted by the national language in most uses. Capital is Naha, historically it was Shuri, where Shuri Castle is located.
h4.See also
* ryuusou
* chanpuru
* taco rice
* shiisaa
* kijimuna
h4.External links
* "Wikipedia Page"
Other Wiki Information
Last updated: Sun, Sep 18 '22, 02:56
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