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  1. dogman51

    dogman51 Sex Lover

    Oct 12, 2009
    I'm with you luckyone I love it, just no one can give off the chemistry anymore its a dyeing art and I miss it ALOT
  2. Jess_C

    Jess_C Porn Surfer

    Jul 16, 2015
    In many cases it can help expand our understanding of what each other wants, needs and desires. Acting out in person later what we have already explored together on the phone.

    It can also be great anonymous safe sex. Letting the imagination run wild, we become the perfect fantasy partner for each other.

    Sexting seems to have taken over. Sexting seems like a step back in the wrong direction. I don't understand why you would want to type when its easier to just talk. On the phone you give each other instant feedback. On the phone both hands are free to act on desires.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. shaded alicia

    shaded alicia Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2013
    Do they still have 1-900 numbers? I remember being a kid and 80% of late night commercials seemed to be for phone sex.
    • Like Like x 2
  4. shadowfap

    shadowfap Fap Happy Jester

    Oct 28, 2012
    With those chessy commercials. Call now. We have hot, young singles lookong for fun.
  5. Jess_C

    Jess_C Porn Surfer

    Jul 16, 2015
    There are actually some toll free numbers you can use.

    However, seems they only work well if we meet someone first in a place like, (scratches chin) oh I don't know - (feigning indecisiveness) - perhaps a place like xnxx might do. Then we can use the toll free number together, where we could talk . . .anonymously and privately ... about ... whatever ... comes up ...

    I tried the number once on my own and had great phone with a women. She had never had phone sex before but took to it quickly.

    I've tried to repeat my initial success a couple of times since but found tooo many Trolls.

    However, seems if two people met Here on xnxx First and used the private line Together . . . wonder what could happen?? . . .
    • Like Like x 2
  6. shaded alicia

    shaded alicia Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2013
    @Jess_C .... subtle. Very subtle. :p
    • Like Like x 2
  7. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    First of all, why are all of you trying to convince those that find it dull otherwise......Frankly I'm with VenusIF on this one. It's dull, boring, when I want to get off with others I have sex with others, when I want private time to rub one out to my imagination, memories and so on, I don't need the distraction of answering a bazillion questions and being told to do this or that fulfilling someone else's little fantasy.

    As far as being unable to find someone......Well, likely no more so than finding some random stranger who will fuck you within two minutes of meeting.

    Think about it, you're wanting to find a "stranger", someone who you don't know that's first thought is wanting to have phone sex with you. Why would they? If they want phone sex they can already get it from any number of sources that they can trust. Not some stranger who now has their phone number, location, ability to GPS locate, etc.. Doesn't sound like the smartest thing to do.

    Hush....an alias
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Jess_C

    Jess_C Porn Surfer

    Jul 16, 2015
    I'd never try to convince anyone of doing something that didn't do any thing for them. You'd never be able to convince me that eating shit was exciting. Likewise, I wouldn't try to dissuade someone from something that works for them. You wouldn't get much traction trying to convince me that my eye shouldn't be drawn to brunettes.

    I'm not put off knowing that phone wouldn't do anything for Venus nor Heather (I've learned I better not make oral boring.) If all of us here were the same? Boring! I enjoy learning about our differences and contemplating our similarities. (You're right, there's nothing more boring than receiving bad head. Except it was her wallpaper that was peeling.)

    Am I discussing the idea of finding a stranger? Yes. But I'm talking about finding a stranger who in that moment happens to also be looking to find a stranger, both with a mutual interest in exploring a safe and anonymous form of sexual expression.

    Understand I talking about only one of an almost infinite variety of modes of sexual expression. A life of only phone sex or just oral sex or just missionary or just anal or just romantic or just casual sex would seem limiting.

    Won't speak for others but in this instance, on this topic, in this post, I am talking about phone sex through a trusted proxy in a manner where neither party knows the name, number or location of the other party. For me, anything less than that would be too risky. As long as you observe and maintain those boundaries, there is no extra risk involved in meeting someone on xnxx first prior to both then adjourning to a trusted proxy.

    Foolish to try this if you don't know how to block your caller id or gps at the very least. Don't try this if it doesn't float your boat or if you're not ready to explore uncharted territory.
    • Like Like x 4
  9. Amalia614

    Amalia614 Mysterious Minx

    Jan 17, 2015
    I enjoy phone sex. Its a way I can keep him going while he is away on business. I agree its someone you have to be comfortable with but hearing his voice and telling me what he wants then the heavy breathing gets me going every time. I can hear the dominance in his voice and the control he has. mmmm
    • Like Like x 4
  10. SexyMike69

    SexyMike69 Porn Star

    Sep 30, 2013
    I had phone yesterday with a male friend and a woman we met in a chat room. It was extremely hot! Never had a phone 3way before. That was a lot of fun.
  11. HornyCristina

    HornyCristina Limited Edition

    Jan 21, 2015
    I might try it someday.
    • Like Like x 4
  12. mrwhite480

    mrwhite480 Sex Machine

    Apr 15, 2012
    I love phone sex. Have to be attracted to the woman first though.. Have to at least minimally get to know her and what her turn ons and turn offs are
  13. dogman51

    dogman51 Sex Lover

    Oct 12, 2009
    Me me pick me Purty please..
    1. HornyCristina
      I'll keep you in mind ;)
      HornyCristina, Dec 5, 2015
      10in6cum likes this.
  14. jdm320

    jdm320 Nice Guy

    Sep 23, 2013
    I enjoy hearing the lady moan when she is cumming. Its a very big turn on.
  15. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Are you sure? Just for fun, I'm going to post something from my memoirs. A man that I only knew as Zhu had bought me and had me work essentially a safe peep show in his bar. Rather quickly however he had been forced by some Yakuza to sell me to them, and when he took me back to the Triads that had sold me to him to protect me (for him) they turned around and sold me to the Yakuza anyway to make even more money....and here is how the first few moments went after they got me back to their place.

    The point being, I was about as ignorant as a human could be....and if I could fake an orgasm in front of someone well enough that they would go to all that trouble to get me, how well do you think someone can over the phone?

    Sitting in a large chair at the end of a seating area flanked by couches the leader directed the third man to cut my bonds. Once they had the leash of rope was removed, the entire while everyone of them acted like at any second I would go wild at first me thinking that they believed I would attack them and as they removed the leash the three men stepped back. Well, I just stood there and finally stretched as everyone just stared at me as though waiting for something. With that the Japanese leader finally spoke, and though not in English as well as the Chinese man, it was miles beyond my pidgin.

    His name I eventually learned was "Takada" which I assume to be his last name, his first words however were "it is okay" and his second when I still just stood there being "it is okay, you can sex here, you can fuck." I must have made some stupid expression and then shrugged and said "okay", yet once I had I just continued to stand there, and once he told me once more that I was allowed to fuck I just shrugged and sat down on the floor.

    At that point Takada was clearly becoming frustrated, he then stood up and grasped his cock through his pants and said "look, see, it’s okay." Around that time I recall looking to the other men who all pulled back and with his frustration mounting Takada proceeded to pull off his jacket, tie and shirt, grasping his dick again and simulated stroking it saying only "it’s okay, see, you can fuck all you want."

    With that I rose up and I know my eyes were bugging as I moved toward him. Takada had the beginnings of some serious sleeve tattoo’s and some clearly coming up from his belt line and frankly I had never seen such a thing. When I reached him I recall he became more and more excited (even getting hard), yet I just reached up and ran a finger down his arm seeing if the paint would wash off, and when it didn’t I tried rubbing harder in the end just leaving a black streak where my finger had been.

    I then remember saying "it no come off" and I started to circle him noting the beginnings of designs on his back and finally reaching his front again with him now beaming I pulled at his belt line to look down his pants at those peeking out. Again Takada said it was okay, so with that I undid his belt, undid his pants (making a mess of them from my black hands, that was one shiny suit), and when his pants fell to the floor him nodding down to me. I pulled down his BVD’s with his dick sproinging up and looked at the beginnings of tattoos on his hipline and around his back stating only "you gots color pitchers" (yes pitchers not pictures).

    Takada looked shocked, I stepped back with his hard dick sticking out there and he said "it’s okay, you can fuck." He said that so many times I finally had to ask "why?" He then responded something like "because you need it so much" and my response was simple, "no, me no need fuck, why?"

    Takada was livid, he then shouted at me with his dick wilting, "I saw you I know you need to fuck!" His response was so outraged that I recall stepping back and then looked to the couch beside me realizing he was insisting on fucking me, and sat on it and leaned back spreading my legs with my black feet and hands up in the air and said "okay, me be dirty slut, I fuck you say."

    Takada was furious not only at my lack of effort and perhaps I thought at first resistance yet he suddenly turned and looked where I had walked and there was black foot prints all over his white carpeting. Suddenly he began screaming at me in Japanese, when he did that a couple of the other men started laughing which really made him mad. When he yelled at them, one shut right up, the other kept taunting him and Takada then turned his wrath back on me his English falling apart quickly.

    Screaming at me, he demanded to know how _______ made me want to have sex so bad. I responded "me duh-know" and when he demanded why I didn’t know, I just said "me duh-know _______," trying to mimic the name. Enraged Takada screamed out "the man who owned you before!" With that I said something like "Ohhhh, me no want sex bad, he rope me up an thems all fuck me hard an me say no. Then push bottle up cunt and laugh leave me forever till you comed and taked me."

    You could see I.Q. points falling out of his head as Takada stared at me blankly, suddenly shaking his head he screamed out "no, _______, the man who had you behind glass in the box and you (as he made a jerk-off motion) the men who came there." My response was simple "oh Zhu! Zhu brunged me back to last man quick me duh-know why."

    The one other Japanese was howling with laughter, the other was snickering hiding his face as the thrid didn’t blink an eye. Even Takada after asking again snickered a little when I said "Zhu", and finally he said "yes, Zhu, what did Zhu do to make you need to fuck so much!" My response threw him into a rage, "me duh-know", and understand all of this who’s on first stupidity was done with me still lying there with my legs wide, feet and hands in the air.

    Takada finally shouted out something that made me put 1+1 together. "I saw you on the bed behind the glass, you had to get fucked bad but the chain wouldn’t let you reach!" That I understood, and with that I simply said "oh!" and suddenly pretended to be yanking on some chain like a mime, I thrashed and fought trying to make expressions like I was a cat in heat. I then rubbed my cunt but in maybe five seconds began faking out a killer orgasm, then stopped it half way through and asked "me want fuck like that?" or some such.

    The one howling with laughter really lost it and was clearly telling Takada "I told you so" yet in Japanese. The second began howling as well, the third never flinched and Takada yanked up his pants, pulled out his belt and screaming at first in English then in Japanese "you lie" and proceeded to whip me with the belt for a good ten minutes chasing me around the room until I could run no more.

    So, are you really sure she came?

    Hush....an alias
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2015
  16. jdm320

    jdm320 Nice Guy

    Sep 23, 2013
    I am so glad that my post triggered memories. However, honestly who cares if she is really faking?
  17. jdm320

    jdm320 Nice Guy

    Sep 23, 2013
    I am so glad that my post triggered memories. However, honestly who cares if she is really faking?
  18. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Clearly YOU do in that if that is what you enjoy about it, how much of a turn on would you find it if she said "and just let me know when you want me to fake an orgasm?" Hell, that turns me off just writing it.

    Hush....an alias
    • Like Like x 1
  19. hrnypaul

    hrnypaul Sex Lover

    May 22, 2015
    Skype sex is better
  20. Hush

    Hush Happy Hhedonist

    Jul 21, 2008
    Does no one do "actual sex" anymore?

    Hush....an alias
    • Like Like x 1