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    Best regards,


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  2. Hello,

    You can now get verified on forum.

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    Best regards,


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Last Activity:
Aug 21, 2014
Dec 5, 2010
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Surgical Assistant is my FT job. Volunteer Firef


Porn Star, Male, from Texas

stronghold was last seen:
Aug 21, 2014
    1. Calibigtits89
      Hey babe how have you been? Its been a long time.
    2. DARKCHICK666
      hell no
      i want her outfit!
    3. Saffron Euphoria
      Saffron Euphoria
      Hello you delicious friend, how are you sweetie? I just wanted to swing by and leave you one of these....

    4. deadly_dalia
      miss you

    5. Baby Girl
      Baby Girl
      Send me something, big guy?
    6. southernbelle. 72
      southernbelle. 72
      Hey ;) everything good where you are? How are u?
    7. southernbelle. 72
      southernbelle. 72
      when are we going to chat, hehe?
    8. Redhead_amy
      I have many but I'm bi and I love to be with women as well as men
    9. Redhead_amy
      Mmmm thanks. Do you have any more of those pics. Cus that not dirty enough for what I do in the passenger seat
    10. southernbelle. 72
      southernbelle. 72
      Hey ;) dropping in to say hi :*
    11. southernbelle. 72
      southernbelle. 72
      I broke my toys :( now I have to replace them. I need something a bit more durable ;) maybe I am too rough on them.
    12. southernbelle. 72
      southernbelle. 72
      thought I would say hey :) thanks for the comment on my photos. Makes a woman feel good, when she can't get her own husband's attention.
    13. Kimiko
      Only if that was your cock. ;)
    14. Lisa418
      Oh Babe, about 10 years worth of Yoga ago! LOL, I might need a quick hop in the sauna if you need it right away! JK Yes of course silly!
    15. pinkestsuede
      Hey! How's my lover feeling?? I have missed you. I have a new name, I forgot my password, oh well. Write to me anytime, baby. Love, Trish
    16. Lisa418
      You got it, whatever I can do to help you! However, no sushi or anything questionable, I always run a temperature well above 98.6. I doubt that surprises you at all though!;):kiss::kiss::kiss:
    17. Lisa418
      Oh No Babe! Let me nurse you and coax your lonely little man back to good health. Fortunately I recently heard that it is indeed push-ups and not my gorilla grip that causes my pain and thank goodness! You see I was sure that the culprit of my discomfort was my giant realistic totally not throbbing rubber cock, I can barely get my hands around it. What great news as alas I am still a virgin (according to my definition of the word) and I depended on it! I am on my way.
    18. Lisa418
      I dig your style, now come on over.
    19. Lisa418
      There you are, so hey I was wondering something. Is it true that when the going gets tough, the tough gets rough? I think I am all too soft and in need of a lesson, I could use your help! Miss you.
    20. virginalison
      U undrstand me better. I hope u will hold me strongly wen u pump my pussy with ur strong, hard and long cock..wont u..?
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  • About

    Surgical Assistant is my FT job. Volunteer Firef
    Dirty Daddy

    Dirty women that get off to older men