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  1. Lxv200

    Lxv200 Porn Star

    Mar 2, 2018
    What would have happened in 1940 if Britain had lost the Battle of Britain and been invaded and had surrendered. They would have been no lend-lease from the USA to help Russia 10 of thousands of vehicles aircraft and 10 of thousands of tons of ammo.
    Then Russia would have had to face the full weight of the German army and airforce because there would have been no need to hold back men for home defense.
    Then with Germany have the resources of the British Empire and free use of the seas again .German industry would have been able to supply there army fully.
    And lastly USSR was not a well loved system in Europe and Britain so you would have even more volunteers fighting again communism.
    • Like Like x 1
    1. Ficxa 479
      I tell what happened. Now USA would be speaking German.
      Ficxa 479, Dec 25, 2024
  2. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    Russia has only two freinds, Russian ARMY, n Russian air forse.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
    1. fantanastyXX
      Over here, that kind of friendship is called "fair weather friendship". When all is well, going smoothly, all good buddies. But when the chips are down and problems pop up, all of a sudden that friendship is kaput. This is what we see with the relationship between Russia and it's army...
      fantanastyXX, Dec 26, 2024
  3. Vit77

    Vit77 Sex Machine

    Jul 13, 2019
    the Russians go crazy when you mention Land-lice. Without this program, Russia would have been destroyed, which unfortunately did not happen
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I am glad we kept the Germans from destroying Russia.
    1. fantanastyXX
      Would the Nazis done any worse than what Stalin did to his own people? Hitler was a small time piker compared to what Stalin perpetrated on his own people.
      fantanastyXX, Dec 26, 2024
      Ficxa 479 likes this.
    2. Distant Lover
      Hitler intended to treat the Slavic people so harshly that they would die off and be replaced by race certified Germanic people. These would be mainly Germans, but with some Scandinavians.
      Distant Lover, Dec 28, 2024
  5. Vit77

    Vit77 Sex Machine

    Jul 13, 2019
    the red empire is to be destroyed
  6. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    Fantaxx, now I can explane you why did t stalin help Poles.
    Why was he obligef to help Poles? In warsaw uprise of1944. What was he to them. Poles n their freind from London planned that uprising. Stalin had no agreement with Poles on this regard. English King had an agreement with Poles on assistance. Why did t the English King land troops in warsaw in 1944, or launch a broad offensive in west to disattract Germans from warsaw.? Or have t established an air bridge supply to Pole rebels. Why did t he send his armada of bombers? The King had more than 1000 long range bombers. Why did t English King saved Poles earlier in 1939, having an agreement with Poles to help against Germans. But sat across the English chanel with his huge fleet, huge aircraft, n huge army from all its colonies.
  7. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    Why did Poles themselvs planned to march on the ussr togatjer with Hitler for their share of land in west Ukraine in 1939.
    Why did t Poles allow stalin to help Chechoslovakia in 1938 in the confrontation with Germans. And then they themselvs attacked Chechs and tore off part ofTesz region duaring the dimemberment of Chechoslovakia. Polish government mobilised its army and concentrated it on the borders of ussr. In order to cut off Stalins way to provide any assistence to Chech under the existing agreement.
    And now Polish uprise against Germans in their rear. They wanted to prove Stalin that they liberated themselvs alone. And owe Stalin nothing. So Stalin stood aside a gave them time to do it. You MAN don t know history at all, cause you been taught it cursory. So sit back and don t through abuses on subject you got no idea of.
  8. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    All I want is for Putin to be deposed, imprisoned for life, and perhaps executed. I have a high regard for Russian literature, Russian symphonic music, and the Russian people. Those people need to learn that dictators can make catastrophic mistakes.
    1. Ficxa 479
      You don t live in Russia how may you judge Russia, you don t see the world policy from our point of view can t you understand. We did t cheat you, we tried to be nice, we moved a millions army from west. And still we are bad and carnovours are good. Fuck off or I ignore you.
      Ficxa 479, Dec 25, 2024
    2. John227
      Distant Lover wrote: " I have a high regard for Russian literature, ... "

      Do you have a high regard for Alexander Pushkin?
      John227, Dec 25, 2024
    3. fantanastyXX
      Maybe Putin might accidentally fall from his aircraft while cruising at 39,000 feet altitude.....
      fantanastyXX, Dec 26, 2024
  9. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Mistakes Poland made before the German invasion of Poland were paid for by the fact that an estimated ten percent of the Polish population were killed during the German occupation by the Germans.

    We made a similar mistake during our War in Vietnam. The idea that a small country on the other side of the world is important to our security seems preposterous in retrospect.
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2024
  10. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    I also like Russian women, :inlove:

    as you can tell by this thread:

    Beautiful Naked Virgins | XNXX Adult Forum
    1. Ficxa 479
      I can understand why you gringos like Russian women. Cause you can not afford a fit American ONE, why not to love a fatty gringo woman.
      Ficxa 479, Dec 25, 2024
  11. joy0093

    joy0093 Sex Machine

    Apr 28, 2024

    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Lxv200

    Lxv200 Porn Star

    Mar 2, 2018
    Stalin refused landing rights to RAF aircraft to land in USSR ,the only exception was he allowed the RAF No 617 and 9 squadrons to land to attack the German battleship Turpitz with they special 12000 pound bombs. Because they were a major threat to the convoys suppling the USSR .With out landing rights the bombers would not be able to carry useful load to help the Poles .
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. Ficxa 479
      Why should you land in Russia return back.
      Ficxa 479, Dec 26, 2024
      Distant Lover likes this.
    2. fantanastyXX
      To ask that dumb a question is to show total ignorance of flight, air combat and a total lack of regional geography,
      fantanastyXX, Dec 26, 2024
  13. joy0093

    joy0093 Sex Machine

    Apr 28, 2024

    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. joy0093

    joy0093 Sex Machine

    Apr 28, 2024
    If you know what I mean ;)

    • Like Like x 2
    1. duffyd
      duffyd, Dec 26, 2024
    2. joy0093
      na zdorovie!
      joy0093, Dec 26, 2024
      Ficxa 479 and duffyd like this.
    3. Ficxa 479
      Za nas.
      Ficxa 479, Dec 26, 2024
  15. mstrman

    mstrman Porn Star

    Sep 2, 2020
    Russia Blamed for Devastating Airline Crash That Killed 38 Passengers Near Ukraine
    Jeff Charles | December 26, 2024 10:15 AM

    Russia’s military is being blamed for a commercial airline crash near the city of Aktau, Kazakhstan, that occurred on Wednesday.

    Azerbaijan Airlines Flight 8432 crashed near the city, killing 38 out of 62 passengers. The disaster has been linked to a Russian surface-to-air missile strike targeting a Ukrainian drone.

    Azerbaijani government officials confirmed that a Russian missile caused the crash. As EuroNews reported, “The missile was fired at Flight 8432 during drone air activity above Grozny, and the shrapnel hit the passengers and cabin crew as it exploded next to the aircraft mid-flight.”

    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. Ficxa 479
      Never ever trst to what ukr media says.
      Ficxa 479, Dec 26, 2024
    2. Iluvpuppies
      Of course Russia was blamed. They haven't even done the investigation yet.
      I'm not saying Russia didn't do it. I'm saying they don't know yet.
      Iluvpuppies, Dec 27, 2024
  16. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    First Ukrainian F 16 is downed near Zaporozhnaa region.
    1. fantanastyXX
      Never ever trst to what Russian politic media says.
      fantanastyXX, Dec 26, 2024
      mstrman likes this.
    2. Iluvpuppies
      This isn't the first f 16 in Ukraine that was shot down. Ukraine shot one of their own f16s down.
      Haven't heard much about these f16s. They have grounded.
      Iluvpuppies, Dec 27, 2024
  17. joy0093

    joy0093 Sex Machine

    Apr 28, 2024
    Initially they said it was bird strike and now this? smh
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
  18. Lxv200

    Lxv200 Porn Star

    Mar 2, 2018
    Ficxa Look at the photos of the aircrafts rear fuselage and tail has damaged which constant with a near miss by a surface to air missile.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. fantanastyXX
      There are missing control surfaces too as well as a blasted open hatch near the tail section.
      fantanastyXX, Dec 26, 2024
    2. fantanastyXX
      The pilots did their best with what they had to try and get the plane down onto the ground. I wonder if they survived the crash. They are to be commended for their efforts either way! The plane flew with an electro-hydraulic control system but once the fluid reservoirs drained out, they had very few options to fly the aircraft. The landing gear was able to be independently lowered but to little effect for "landing".
      SAD state of affairs but guess the Russiane will put a spin on that as being a covert enemy aircraft that was going to bomb Moscow. Medals will be handed out to the crew that did the shooting as well as whole host of upper echelon officers that had no clue but will gladly add the medals to their puffed out chests.
      Last edited: Dec 26, 2024
      fantanastyXX, Dec 26, 2024
      Stormy8330 and Distant Lover like this.
  19. Ficxa 479

    Ficxa 479 Porn Star

    Feb 2, 2016
    Well well well. That was a great propaganda article. Why not to add, that we eat fried kids from that jet.
    1. Ficxa 479
      I guess you folks are coach bound flight crash experts. While you can not tell shrapnel, from a bullet.
      Ficxa 479, Dec 27, 2024
    2. Stormy8330
      Do you mean couch-bound flight crash experts? Nope, I have a lazy boy easy chair..
      Stormy8330, Dec 27, 2024
      Distant Lover likes this.
    3. fantanastyXX
      Coach bound...no, they're dead from the crash! If the Ruskies didn't shoot it down, must have been the kids at the playground since everyone has high tech rockets and the aiming radar equipment that any kid can use.

      So tell me about these super bullets that Russia has now that goes to those kinda altitudes and makes huge ragged holes instead of the neat round holes I've seen? And even more important the sharp shooter that can shoot a bullet so accurately from miles away.. Superman....
      fantanastyXX, Dec 28, 2024
  20. Distant Lover

    Distant Lover Master of Facts

    Oct 23, 2007
    Military & Defense
    Russia's economy is entering a year of pain in 2025
    Thibault Spirlet
    Dec 25, 2024, 2:48 AM PST

    President Vladimir Putin said inflation was at "a relatively high level" at an investment forum in early December. Sergei Bobylev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP
    • Russia's economy will be under significant strain next year, economists told Business Insider.
    • High inflation, slowing economic growth, energy prices, and sanctions could hurt its war machine.
    • One expert told BI that stagnation was similar to the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 1980s.
    Since launching its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the Kremlin has restructured its economy to prioritize its war efforts, imposing export bans, tapping its national wealth fund, and strengthening trade with non-Western countries.

    But unprecedented defense spending, labor shortages, and Western sanctions have come at a cost, and some believe the country is reaching the limits of its capacity.

    Economists told Business Insider that while they don't expect Russia's economy to collapse, they said it would face a tough 2025 if it keeps on fighting in Ukraine.

    "Russia has set in motion processes that will continue to eat out its economy from within," Roman Sheremeta, an associate professor of economics at the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, told BI.

    He said that if the war continues, "it will put a significant strain on the already bleeding Russian budget."

    Russia's Economy Is Entering a Year of Pain in 2025 - Business Insider


    Ficxa 479,

    Tell us again why the Russian invasion of Ukraine was a good idea. Ukraine was not a threat to Russia. Neither was NATO, but China might be a threat.
    1. Stormy8330
      @Ficxa 479 @Distant Lover Man Distant, I don't know. I have to give this one to Ficxa. The Soviets have lasted longer than I thought they could with this econ. That shadow fleet made a difference. I knew the HIMARS hitting oil plants would hurt but it didn't have the overall impact I thought it would. It's starting to affect the battle space but putting the Econ on War Footing is keeping it afloat. Ficxa called this two years back.
      Stormy8330, Dec 28, 2024
    2. Ficxa 479
      What do you mean
      Ficxa 479, Dec 28, 2024
    3. Stormy8330
      @Ficxa 479 You were right that the Soviet Economy could last several years. You said so a long time ago. I said we needed to wait and see. It's been almost 2 years and your economy is still functioning.
      Stormy8330, Dec 28, 2024
    4. Ficxa 479
      Its functioning even better, it only needs some tuning. While EU ecconomy is shattered.
      Ficxa 479, Dec 30, 2024