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  1. thikdik

    thikdik Porn Star

    Feb 4, 2007
    mami el negro esta rabioso, quiere peliar conmigo, ve diso a mi papa.
  2. youngnastyman

    youngnastyman Porn Surfer

    Oct 7, 2009
    Now given I'm Canadian so I don't know the full extent of what it is like to be led by him but I think he is a good man. I think it's kind of mean to blame an entire countries problems on one man. Yes he is the leader of the country but it is a democracy and there for he does not have all the power. In my mind a good leader is someone who not only makes tough decisions but also inspires people. You can't deny after watching the election that night that people don't like him. He is a great speaker and a good man. It will take time for things to go back to the way they were. It may seem like a long time right now but in the end history will look at it as a blink of an eye.
  3. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Look I don't know what I'm doing wrong to close my browser but since I was about three sentences from finishing this response and lost it I'm going to try this response again but break it up into smaller pieces so I don't lose the whole thing again.

    Whoa, whoa lets hold it right there for a moment because George Bush did a lot more than make his fair share of mistakes. The first thing he did was cut taxes for the wealthiest 5% of Americans and corporations, which resulted in zero job growth for eight years.

    Then he invaded two countries and started two wars that he kept off budget and resulted in selling our economic asses to the Chinese in order to finance them.

    Between the tax cuts and the cost of wars Bush started with a budget surplus and ended up doubling the national debt in eight years of lie and spend policies. (And how so called conservatives can support both wars and putting it all on credit is beyond me).

    In the meantime the repeal of some regulations and little to no enforcement of others allowed the greed and corruption of the financial sector to loot our economy, causing an economic collapse and nearly a financial collapse that was only avoided by pumping $13 Trillion into bailouts and loans.

    That triggered the Great Recession which resulted in more than 9% unemployment which still remains that high nearly two years later. And required an $800 Billion stimulus package to stop the economic free fall.

    That's more than just a president's fair share of mistakes. That's the total disaster the lie and spend policies of the Bush Administration created with six of those eight disastrous years conservative/Republican/Tea Bagger holding the presidency as well as both houses of congress.

    So let's start with a real clear record of what really happened before President Obama was elected and the tasks he was faced with because conservatism as it is preached and practiced in this nation is a lie.

    And eight years of George Bush proves that beyond any reasonable doubt.
  4. Druidoak

    Druidoak Porn Star

    Apr 11, 2008
    I voted for him. I figured a rich young black guy could not screw America up any worse than the rich old white guys already had.
  5. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Continued from previous post
    I'm not even sure what your getting at with Ft. Hood etc. Because President Obama's record on dealing with terrorists and terrorism is really good.

    But I can prove President Obama does not wait to be told what to say by his liberal handlers because many if not most "liberals" are more upset and enraged by some of the things President Obama has said and done than the conservative/Republican Tea Baggers are.

    So that's not really a viable point I don't believe. I myself have mentioned many times that I've been shocked and disappointed by some of the things President Obama has said and done.

    But compared to the lie of conservatism as it was preached and practiced by the Bush administration I still think its President Obama relative genius.

    This is really a strawman argument first because almost everyone uses teleprompters, especially for prepared speeches, but much more importantly I have not seen a President more accessible to the press and willing to hold more open question and answer periods since President Kennedy.

    A teleprompter is useless in environments were people can ask you any question they want.

    Once again if all president Obama cared about is getting elected then he would be pandering to the progressive/liberal/Democratic base that elected him. He's had multiple opportunities to give us what we want and has not done it. In fact he's really alienated some of the more liberal factions by not endorsing things like gay marriage or passing much more liberal versions of health care reform.

    No, one of the most liberal and effective blogs in the left wing noise machine; The Daily Kos, has even stated President Obama is not a progressive.

    So I don't believe that's a valid argument.
  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Continued from previous post
    Originally Posted by LarryO1970

    Well actually President Obama and the democrats stopped the economic destruction, prevented another "Great Depression," and pulled the nation back from the brink of destruction. Its both a shame and political mistake for the obstructionists in congress to try to make the nation fail and US citizens suffer with unemployment above 9% to try and keep president Obama from succeeding but they cannot deny a growing economy instead of a shrinking economy as well as near record profits for many US corporations.

    And I think everyone can see that the our relationship with our allies is much improved over what it was before he was elected.

    There were lots of protests against Bush and his foreign policies and while President Obama on the other hand has been well received by nearly the whole world and the view of the US has greatly improved since he became president.

    In fact there's a pretty good case to be made for President Obama's speech to the Muslim world being one of the sparks that set off the pro-democracy and pro-freedom protests in the Middle East that has come to be known as the Arab Spring.

    Not that I know of so if you've got a source for that quote why don't you [post it.

    I suppose if I was a member of the miniscule Communist Party in the US I'd support President Obama before I'd support my traditional political enemies which would be the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers, but that's a few million votes from wining an election.

    But actually even today 45% of US citizens approve of the job President Obama is doing, and I think its ludicrous to try and claim 45% of US citizens are communists, don't you?


    No, I think you are believing false right wing noise machine propaganda that has no basis in reality.

    That's not the way it usually works around here. I think your claims are false and want to see the proof of what your saying so why don't you provide your sources instead.

    Because I do not believe this is true and have seen no evidence of it myself.
  7. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Continued from previous post
    Originally Posted by LarryO1970

    I'm not aware of President Obama doing anything without the approval of congress except engaging in what he says is a NATO operation that does not require congressional approval under the War Powers Act. And at least come of congress must agree because they would not pass a resolution to cut off funding for it.

    So what is President Obama doing without the approval of congress in your opinion.

    Well let's see about this.

    First I remind you that congress had a chance to cut off funding for the what President Obama is doing in Libya and didn't.

    But President Bush authorized illegal spying on US citizens. President Bush authorized illegal wire taps and the illegal search and seizure of phone records. President Bush authorized torture, and illegal detention. President Bush was found to be in violation of the US constitution on at least a half dozen cases if I recall correctly. And there was no rioting in the streets over any of those illegal and unconstitutional acts, so don't think your statement is valid.

    And President Obama certainly didn't ram the Affordable Healthcare Act down my throat or probably even a majority of the people in this country. Because I'm one of those 10%-15% of people that say I don't approve of the Affordable Care Act but that's because its not liberal enough to me and didn't go far enough.

    But its still better than nothing so I'll keep voting for President Obama and the Democrats and I'm think most people will.
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Continued from previous post
    Originally Posted by LarryO1970

    No actually I don't see or even sense any racism on your part and can see there are many if not most things you don't like about president Obama that have nothing to do with race.

    But on the other hand I also do not believe you're actually posting any facts. In fact I think most of what you've posted so far is unsupported false claims from the right wing noise machine.

    But I would sure be interested in seeing your sources if you have them just in case I'm wrong.

    First of all you're going to have to be more specific about what you say Saul Alinsky said and how that refers to President Obama because why you would seem to agree with one of the most liberal community organizers in US history is beyond me, when that's often the criticism from the right wing noise machine that President Obama really is is a liberal community organizer.

    So help be out on that point would you please.

    No because I don't see any instances of President Obama disregarding the will of the people or the United States congress and you're going to have to be more specific about where you see this happening.

    Like I said the Affordable Health Care Act is not really opposed by a majority and that's according to public opinion polls that are nortously inaccurate and contradictory and no way to run a country.

    And everything has to go through congress just like everything else. No one agrees on the War Powers Act and congress did not vote in favor of cutting funding for what President Obama says is a NATO mission not covered under the act.
  9. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    Osama is, wait I meant Obama is leading us down a path where in order to buy groceries we will need to fill out a form 11932-B/4. In order to die we will have to fill out a form 1293-C/9 and we will have 7 bureaucrats watching us while we do these actions ensuring that we don't buy Twinkies or linger too long. Soilent Green for everyone because the farmers and the corps who do the farming aren't going to get a tax cut and the energy needs of those industries are too great for them to be economically feasible. We will have to import our food from Japan... where they have discovered a method of purifying feces so that people can eat it.

    I keep hearing we need to raise the debt ceiling... even when we were in the middle of WWII our debt to GDP ratio wasn't as high and we were coming out of the great depression. So yes by all means lets keep throwing money at the banks so that one day they can own an entire community, force everyone into indentured servitude for life...

    Lets Tax the Rich Millionaires and Billionaires and anyone who owns a corporate jet. And of course anyone who makes more than 250k per annum... Yes that sounds fair because they obviously didn't work to get to that salary, they are obviously the lazy fucktards who are stagnating the economy. But hey look on the bright side maybe stumbler can get a government loan to make a poo purification plant and he can start selling Obama Cakes....

    Only slightly better than soilent green.
  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Continued from previous post
    Originally Posted by LarryO1970

    This is just such a phony argument I'm not even going to post the pictures of President Bush literally kissing the Saudi Royalty and dancing hand and hand with them. But I have posted them many times in response to this straw dog argument.

    Presidents many times follow protocols and the real test is to see if we can get other countries to cooperate and work with us instead of against us and President Obama has proven very successful at that.

    And so you're going to write in one of those names when it comes time to vote for president because I don't believe either of them is running for President are they?

    Because that's the best news someone like me who wants to see President Obama and the Democrats in power for another four years could get because I don't think you'll be able to convince a majority of Americans to do that and those who did will be taking votes away from the Republican candidate thus assuring President Obama's victory.

    Tell you what why don't you give me the sources for this even if their sources like this even if they are sources like this for some of the Republicans you mentioned.

    Ryan's Shrewd Budget Payday

    Exclusive: The congressman stands to make money from his stakes in four businesses that lease land to energy companies which would benefit from $45 billion in tax breaks and subsidies in his proposed budget. Daniel Stone reports.


    Anti-socialist Bachmann got $250K in federal farm subsidies


    Michele Bachmann's husband takes Medicaid money


    The same way it always happens. Because the people with money can use that money to by more power.

    But I point out its the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers protecting the richest 5% of Americans and corporations at all costs.

    And the reason so many Americans can't afford gas other items is because we have been slipping into poverty while wealth and wages for the richest Americans just keep going up along with corporate profits.

    Not true at all. Unemployment skyrocketed because Bush and the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers created the Great recession caused by the lack of regulation and oversight of our private financial sector.

    It was president Obama and the democrats that stopped the economic free fall with the stimulus package.

    And at least unemployment was headed down until the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers ran on job creation in the last election and instead have killed jobs instead of helping to create them.

    Again either not really true or certainly not President Obama's fault.

    Gasoline prices are actually headed back down thanks to President Obama's policies and release of the strategic reserves.

    And food prices are more impacted by global warming/climate change than anything president Obama has done due to the devastating freezes last winter and the floods this spring.

    President Obama has no control over those and its again the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers denying a problem even exists.

    Again not true at all. Even Republican candidates for president admit the stimulus package created at least 240 million jobs.

    Santorum accuses Obama of creating ‘only 240 million jobs’


    And even the Congressional Budget Office says the Stimulus Package was a greater than expected success.


    I doubt that because it comes from a campaign ad and even if its true there's nothing wrong with admitting there were some mistakes in an over all successful attempt to save the nation from another Great Depression.

    But many, many more factories stayed open and new ones have even started due to the stimulus package. And among those factories were the US auto manufactures and the millions of jobs that depend on supplying those manufactures.

    And there are more benefits we could be realizing except for the obstructionism of the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers trying to make the nation fail to keep President Obama from succeeding.

    I'm only discussing President Obama at this point but I will point out you're being very hypocritical about it.

    First, because when President Obama clearly takes responsibility for some jobs not being shovel ready you and others use it in campaign ads against him.

    Secondly its the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers who clearly support and bail out Wall Street and the Bankers and they even get to keep their bonuses.

    No offense intended but you have given no indication to me at least that you have a valid, reality based view of President Obama or the world.

    And personally I've always found that respecting my elders was some of the most absolutely dumb and dangerous pieces of bullshit I ever heard.

    But I do respect facts and reason and logic but can't say I see a lot of it when it comes to the Obama Haters. But that could change if you've got actual facts and post them to back up what you're saying.
  11. bacterius

    bacterius Porn Star

    Apr 10, 2008
    There are no excuses for this guy. He has done absolutely nothing of importance. Many Libtards blame the Republicans but he conrolled far more than Bush did and accomplished nothing.
    Yes I hear that USA was in poor shape (although I don't believe it was due to Bush's policies) but no matter how bad, we should have seen something positive right now. Economy is bad, healthcare is where it was, education is where it was... nothing of positive has came from this guy.

    Before being a Republican, I am an American, and want to see America do well no matter which person leads the country. I am open to voting Democrat if the right person came along, but Obama is clueless, gutless, and was only elected because of the guilt-factor. That never makes a good president. Let's hope that America will not make the same mistake twice.
  12. smith jim

    smith jim Porn Star

    Dec 9, 2010
    bottom line are we better off now then 3 yrs. ago ? NO the country is much more in dept and who is going to pay it back ? THINK
  13. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    The liberal mindset is not to think its to come up with Machiavellian methodology to remain in power and they really don't care who pays for it... When there are riots they will blame the conservatives... for being greedy or something or the EVIL banks who have gotten and contributed more money than the common man will ever see in his lifetime.
  14. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    Rube Goldberg for president... at least his shit works...
  15. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    If you didn't know I was a dedicated liberal democrat in constant opposition to the lie of conservatism as it is preached and practiced in this nation I'd have to say you sure didn't ever understand where I was coming from.

    Because I've been fighting that nearly my whole life and surely ever since I came on this forum.

    I don't think its ignorant for two reasons. One, none other than Glenn Beck came up with Tea Bags to symbolize the Tea party. And second as long as people call the Affordable Care Act, "Obama Care" and usual racial attacks and slurs against President Obama I'm justified.

    I think the majority of them are just good meaning brainwashed parrots that don't realize they are taking part in something that was invented by Fox News and Glenn Beck, and funded by the Koch Brothers to fool common folks into working against their own best interests and the best interests of the nation and continue to protect the richest 5% of the nation from paying their fair share in taxes.

    Two things are wrong with that. First and foremost most Tea Baggers are really ignorant of the US Constitution and what it means. And secondly they are using that excuse to make false and emotionally vague arguments.

    But I'm willing to listen to yours if you have any of them. What is President Obama doing to violate the US Constitution?

    But you see I'm still convinced that President Obama, despite disappointing me on a few occasions is still the most intelligent, effective, and hardest working President I've seen in my lifetime.

    And well worth supporting over the lie of conservatism as it is preached and practiced in this nation.

    Look you need to take that up with the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers because liberals like myself have always thought we have that right but its not us running to the government to get bailed out after they have looted and destroyed a segement of our economy and getting it from self proclaimed conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers.

    It was not President Obama who came up with the idea of too big to fail, bailing out the financial sector, bailing out the auto industry, and even the stimulus.

    All those were proposed by President Bush and in the works before President Obama was even elected, even though his stimulus package did work.

    Whose fault is that? Would you have voted to be in a union? I really doubt it. But you are right about one thing. Only people who do belong to unions today have a prayer of being heard and responded to.

    The rest of us can just keep slipping into poverty while our jobs are exported to foreign countries thanks mostly to the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers who protect and defend the top 5%.

    The rest of us are of no consequence as long as the rich get richer with the help of the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers.

    What's your alternative?

    And just because President Obama and the Democrats haven't helped you does not mean that millions of others have not been helped, that the economic free fall wasn't stopped, or that the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers in congress are deliberately trying to make the nation fail and the people suffer just so President Obama and the democrats don't succeed.

    That's the bullshit I think our anger ought to be directed to. Not at the man and people actually trying to solve the problems and lessen suffering.
  16. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    This bullshit statement is so easy to debunk I can't pass it up.

    George Bush and the Republicans controlled the Presidency and both houses of congress for six of Bush's eight years in office and that's when most the real damage to the US was actually done.

    Everything else was collateral damage after the economic bomb went off due to the greed and corruption of our private financial sector and the lack of regulation and oversight on the part of the Bush Administration.

    But far better than it was two years ago before President Obama took office.

    Since then we've had several quarters of growth and corporate profits are at record highs.

    The only real problem is that the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers who ran on job creation in the past election have actually killed more jobs than they created.

    Now this one makes me laugh. Everyone else is claiming the Affordablle Care Act which most definietly changed many things about health care is terrible. And here you say it changed nothing.

    I don't think anyone including the President of the United States can change the status of US education in just two years but there are postive changes to point to that President Obama and the Democrats are on the right track if by nothing else than getting rid of the No Child Left Behind Act.

    I sure dispute that but won't take the time to go through it again when I've already done it on this thread.

    Then you need to tell the conservative/Republican/Tea Baggers in congress to stop doing everything in their power to make the nation fail and the people suffer just so President Obama does not succeed.

    First because it ain't really working and second because it is causing a lot of unnecessary pain and suffereing.

    I'm sure hoping the other way because I'll say again I believe President Obama is the most intelligent, effective and hardest working president I've seen in my lifetime and even though I've been disappointed by him a few times I remain convinced he's the best President I've ever seen.
  17. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    I like stumbly he is so caught up in the unreality of politics... that he can't look outside and see that it's really not raining its the government pissing on his porch...
    He Makes me laugh...
  18. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    Actually the reality is you nor probably the vast majority of people in this nation would survive a month without your government in its many forms and levels.

    Our government, the way it functions, and politics as usual is certainly not without its flaws but to prove I'm the one grounded in reality when you're not is point out you can't name a better one or a better system.

    Here's you chance to prove me wrong. Go ahead. Let's see you do it. Or prove you're the one bullshitting here.
  19. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    I was really torn between putting this up on this thread or the Republican Hilarity thread but since it goes to the effectiveness of President Obama I was speaking about earlier I decided it would best fit here.

    Obama: I'm Sure Boehner 'Will See The Light' On Infrastructure Bill


    What do you want to bet that headline turns out to be true?
  20. crackedjaguar

    crackedjaguar Porn Star

    Jan 29, 2007
    What aside from local or state government providing things like electricity water, public protection/law enforcement. Yeah that's about it that I can think of that I REALLY NEED none of which comes from the fed, All the fed is really supposed to do is protect me from foreign enemies... Not doing such a hot job on that of late, And I noticed they are taxing the shit out of me... How is that helpful? *ponders* They make great wonderful television where they lie and people like you my laughable stumblie friend eat it up like it was cotton candy...
    so No you do make me laugh.